This week...or two



Good Morning everyone! (it is just about morning) How are you all?

Man have the past few weeks been hectic, I opened a shop, I have had multiple sales in said shop, I had no internet for a whole 4 days because someone cut the lines, I am considering making youtube videos again (if you are from really far back in the day, we are talking years, I used to do youtube) there have been celebrations with friends and family, days out and a whole lot of work, crowned with a miserable sick day last monday. It has been a bit of a whirlwind, but I have to admit I have never felt this good about what I am doing with my life, I feel creative and productive in new ways, I have realised that I am actually really good at something (drawing) and people like my stuff. Nothing can really explain how happy that has made me.

Today is a glorious day and I shall be spending most of it inside, unfortunate but necessary, as I have taken a long weekend off from work in order to get stuff done. I have a mountain of tasks I need to sort out for my shop, I am taking a break from finishing off my latest design as we speak (read?) and I have the mammoth task of getting ready for my summer holiday, which is in T-minus 22 days and I have nothing sorted, I haven't even made a list! I will be heading to my Mum's in a bit to sort out seats and boarding passes and what on earth I need to be taking with me, I am really so not a holiday person, I have been watching every holiday packing and carry on packing video on youtube, and maybe a few USA hauls to get ideas too. ; )



So a few things lately that have really made me euphorically happy:


- Opening my Easy shop, I went from "oh maybe i will do that" to "its open!" in the space of about a week, as an eternal procrastinator on the big things in life I honestly never really thought I would do it until I had done, it is the first time in my life I have really acted on a big complicated decision and I am so glad I did. Mr Branson was always one of my Dad's idols, and my Dad always used to get on at us to take chances and always say yes, I like to think he would be very proud of what I am doing right now.


- Sausage dogs, we visited our friends in Norfolk the other weekend and they have the most adorable sausages, and now I really really want one!


- Watercolour painting, I have never been one for paint, I am more of a doodler, but I have developed i real love for the soft edges of watercolour. I am planning a couple of little homey DIY's featuring the stuff.


- Lemon Vanilla Frappuccino's, I am almost ashamed to admit how many of these I have consumed in the past 2 weeks (five...) If you love lemon curd, lemon cheesecake, anything lemony and sweet, get yourself to Starbucks pronto!


- Lots of lovely new readers, It always gives me a little smile to get my Bloglovin' update! Welcome, have a seat, would you like a cup of tea and a biccy?


- Music! I have always loved music, I am a listener rather than a player, but i recently invested in a new set of headphones as Bert chewed through the wire on my old ones. I now have a new love and I will be featuring my favourite ways to listen in a special post on sunday.


- Spending time with my family, it was my Grandma's 80th birthday a couple of weekends ago, and it is rare for us all to get together. We had a gorgeous meal, there was a beautiful cake, and we all gathered the next day in my Grandma's front room just like when we were little. It warms my heart.


- The cups of tea that periodically arrive at my desk while I beaver away. I am eternally grateful for that man of mine, he has always said I should sell my creations and I never took him seriously, he is being very supportive about how time consuming setting up has been and I love him for it.


- Bert is officially a grown up cat, he had his first successful hunt the other day, and although i was grossed out and don't deal well with small dead rodents, I also felt quite proud, he has really developed from being the meekest creature ever into being a proper cat.


- Author talks in cosy settings. I went to see one of my favourite local authors (David Mark, brilliant crime writer if you are in the market for something new) speak at Lindum books last week, I have seen him before but he is always a joy, he is brutally honest about other authors, always has funny anecdotes to share and is so full of energy. Definitely worth checking out.


- My cousin visiting from New Zealand, we only see him about once a year, and he is always a hoot to be around!


- Tiny raspberries and Blueberries, perfectly ripe. I honestly thought I would get fruit from my plants this year, although they are only small harvests, they were delicious.


- Sending good old fashioned snail mail to my sister in New Jersey, all too often we iMessage, email or catch up via snapchat, it was nice to write to her.


This weekend I will be:

Reading: Something fluffy, I have finished my super secret project I have been working on so I can get back to normal reading!

Eating: Healthily, time to enjoy summer's harvest.

Doing: Visiting the angel of the north, fingers crossed the weather holds out!

Spending: lots of money on Holiday stuff I imagine!!


I am sure I could ramble on about more, but I will stop there for this update, fingers crossed I can get back in the swing of things, I have missed these little posts :)

Have a great weekend!

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