This Week

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What a funny old week it has been! I was actually dreading this week, as due to a combination of leave days I have booked this is the only week this month where I am working 5 days. It has been a long one, I am so tired today, but it has been a good one none the less.

Next week is set to be a fun one too, I have lots of ideas for the weekend, and then on Monday I am going to a spa with my friend, I cannot wait to have a day luxuriating in being essentially lazy. It is just what I need!

Here is what has made me smile this week:

 - I made my own Ice Cream, and it was damn good, I cannot wait to share it on here!

 - Bert was a big brave cat and scared away the fat black one that wanders around our garden, he was so proud that he had defended his decking. He also this week discovered the other ginger cat in the area, and kept looking at it and then looking back at me as if to say "that one isn't just me in the mirror is it?!" his face was so darling.

 - I keep sitting and looking at puppies online, we aren't ready to get one as James just doesn't have the time to commit to one, but they are so cute!! I am bouncing between Cocker Spaniels and Beagles at the moment, both breeds I love. Who knows, maybe next year we will find a canine companion for our little family.

 - Buying summer dresses and skirts and styling them with other pieces from my wardrobe. I have got a real vintage-esque style going at the moment and I really love it.

 - The little chicks at James' Mum's house are getting bigger, and one of them is definitely the beauty queen of the bunch, she has such buttery yellow pale feathers and I never thought I would say a baby chicken could, but she looks so dainty and pretty.

 - Blogging! I have so many ideas swimming around in my head at the moment for posts, I am jotting them in a little notebook so that I don't forget.

 - James bringing me a cup of tea while I sit and edit 5 posts worth of photos after spending all day at work staring at the computer, I like to do them in big batches to get them out of the way so I can just add them in and write when I think of the words and that takes a lot of caffeine, he is a good un!

This weekend I will be:

Eating: Still more cake, when will it end!! Being completely serious now, there is still a rather large chunk left and I gave a big chunk to my mum, I swear it is growing.

Doing: Hopefully if the weather isn't too bad I shall have a little cycle and a picnic.

Watching: Homefires! Have any of you been watching this? It is based on a non-fiction book called Jambusters which I have been meaning to read for ages, and is based on the WI kick starting the preservation movement in the second world war. Absolutely brilliant so far :)

What have you been up to this week?

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