This week has been glorious in its small wonders. The weather has been phenomenal, and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you world! I hope the weather has been as good where you are. Apparently it does not look to be such a great weekend, so I am making backup plans for if I don't get to spend as much time growing things in my veg boxes, which are now filled and have some mangetout growing! I can't wait for the satisfaction of biting into my own mangetout :)
Here is what has made me smile this week:
- Wearing spring dresses and sandals to work, I am so glad to be able to get out of leggings and boots. Every autumn I long for them again though, such a fickle sort.
- Painting my nails in summer colours, I know it is only spring at the moment but I couldn't resist and have an almost neon pink on my fingers and turquoise on my toes. (Essie are my absolute go to by the way)
- Bert's little face when he realises he has been outside!! He has been actually terrified of going outside ever since he went for a wander a few months ago, we aren't sure what he encountered or if he just got trapped in someones garage or something, but he would run away scared whenever we open the door, he is now happily exploring the decking though if we leave the back door open, and keeping my chives trimmed for me at any opportunity.
- Salads, I have been taking one to work every day this week and I am enjoying the feeling of a truly light lunch. Recipe for my favourite new combination is coming to you next week.
- Impromptu BBQ's, driving home from a long day and a crazy visit to the petrol station, and getting a text from James saying "BBQ burgers?", no slaving over a risotto pan for me last night.
This weekend I will be:
Reading: The new Elly Griffiths, I have been dithering over books lately with 5 different ones on the go, trying to find my next real read. Last night I practically sat and just read all evening.
Listening: The new Mumford and Sons song The Wolf, I can't get enough of it, I can't get enough of music in general really, I think it is the sunshine.
Eating: I am really craving doughnut, not going to lie!
Doing: Enjoying my last weekend aged 26, it is my birthday a week tomorrow :)
What are you up to this weekend? Happy Friday!