Spring Cleaning


So it has taken me an embarrassingly long amount of time to do this, and this page isn't perfect by any means, there are still bits I want to change (like do a snazzy toggle for that realllllly long archive list) but I have decided to take this Wordpress version of my blog live.

I miss posting about the little things in life that make me smile, and I don't want to miss out on spring and summer blogging just because I haven't quite got this page to be perfect, so here it is! I hope you like it, it is quite a bit more colourful than the last one, mainly because I am a much more colourful person in myself (I wore bright yellow the other day, no joke!)

You will no doubt notice things move around the place as I make tweaks and sometimes things might just completely disappear, but I hope you will bear with me as I am immensely proud to say that I have coded this site more or less from the ground up. Photoshopped my own elements, read Jon Duckett's books on html, css and java from front to back (and broken the spines repeatedly, highly recommend these volumes if you are interested in how to build your own Wordpress theme)

I hope you are having a wonderful Easter weekend, and that you will join me as I share what looks to be a brilliant Spring/Summer 2015!

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