Project Pan Update

Another sickness video today as I am laid up practically inhaling Lemsip (except I can’t inhale dammit!) This is the update on my Project Pan, which is currently at 14 items! Whooo!! I am definitely going to keep going to 20 items, and will probably keep cheating a little, though maybe not as much as I have been. I maintain that my cheating has been for review purposes so is allowed, Your Honour! Nah, some of it was just for me, but I came into a bit of a tax rebate so it is totally acceptable. Anyways, I shall be starting to do a little posting thing on this here blog which is more then just NOTD’s and videos soon, I am thinking next week? I want to swatch my fave lippies and show me wearing them and explain why I love them so much, as lipstick is probably my favourite part of makeup and I have only really gotten into it over the past year or so, lippies and blusher are my items I never used to buy and now my selections to choose from are huge! So watch out for those! I might also film a little ditty about my beauty storage, as my room is really not suited to acrylic storage and I figure if mine isn’t then I can’t be the only one, so I might show you how I have it all arranged. Anyways, I hope you all have a fab weekend, Roac (cutane, this is the mini name I keep calling it) video should be up hopefully by Sunday, aforementioned illness put me off filming today, so I shall talk to you then!! xo

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