So Over the past year I have gone from having little to no stash to having so much it wont fit in both my pink polka dot storage bag thingy and my red Cath Kidston knitting bag.

2011 is going to be about using some of that up!
The plan is to knit at least one thing per month from my stash yarn, and not buy yarn for more then one project per month. Obviously this should result hopefully in the stash going down, but it will at least make sure that it wont get any bigger!
I am participating in the HPKCHC again for the next three months so I hope that will help get some of this stuff used up, and I am hoping that when I am really busy with university this knitting challenge will provide me with something to distract me when studying gets to be too much.
I will be using Ravelry to manage this challenge, I am in the middle of overhauling my queue so that it will only have items on it which I have the yarn for. Everything else will go into the favourites.
I will be tagging projects which I finish that apply to this challenge with the Project2011 label and will be so happy if I manage this, I have never wanted to be one of those knitters who have so much yarn that they will never use it all, and I was beginning to feel that way about my stash. My time has been really limited and knitting has often been set aside in favour of research and essays so I hope that this will also help that!
So look out for a list of patterns I am hoping to knit up over the next 12 months on the Project 2011 page at the top and the accompanying yarns (FYI I added the list of books the other day, and have chosen my first one!)
Wish me luck and a Happy New Year!!