The first thing we did after the new year this year was to take a trip to Whitby. I hadn't been since I was at senior school and even then I don't think I had visited the Abbey. I had fond memories of high summer, eating ice creams and visiting John Bulls rock shop and frolicking on the beach after our coursework had been completed.
This trip was quite different, being at the opposite time of the year, but the memories of this visit have stuck with me more. The absolute serenity I felt wandering around the grounds, peaceful was absolutely the word. Nothing can describe the stillness that surrounded the ruins, as if they were in their own little bubble. Being a generally on the go person, it felt almost alien to be so still, so calm.
The day was a bit grey and bleak, but that only added to the atmosphere. The waves crashing on the rocks almost looked like the sky was pummelling the earth, and the patterns in the rock told the story of the regular beating from the elements during their long lifetime.
As we wandered along the sea wall the sun finally broke through the cloud, making for a beautiful sunset shot, and a beatific smile on my face for the journey home.