Where be the fairies?!
Do you like my pins? Don't they look great stuck in the yarn to dry! I am so chuffed with them, they are definitely worth the time it took to make them, and the glue and paint fingers. I have only done half the tin of pins so far and there are loads of them so I am not sure if I will do the others. My dad said I should sell them in little sets of 20 or something, they are really cute but I am not sure anyone would buy them, and I haven't a clue what I would charge consider the effort that has gone into them.
Also, there are two without dots on yet, can you spot them?
Other then pricking myself many times with pins I have started the yellow yarn project, which will now simply be called Haven, as I am actually using the real pattern now I have managed to commandeer the book (queen of the book buying I got 10% off because it was creased muhahaha) and a very pretty book it is too.
Here it is:
Along with the pretty yarns I got during my trip to John Lewis. I went purely for Rowan yarn and that is what I got. I was tempted by some Debbie Bliss but no Rowan and only Rowan. I got some Kidsilk Aura to make the 'Calm' pattern from the book, it requires 6 balls, but I can't afford that all in one go so I thought I would get two and get another every so often to make it drag out a bit, I have never understood the hype about dye lots, I guess I am just not fussy about those sorts of things.
I also got Cherry Glace for some lovely Little Cotton Rabbits cupcakes I am knitting up to be a new pin cushion (the ice cream cone one wasn't successful, note to self, cotton wool is not a good padding) and also some Alpaca Cotton for making the bunny on some bunny egg cosies also from the same marvelous woman. If you haven't read Little Cotton Rabbits before you really should, it is one of the few blogs I was reading before I actually started knitting and helped inspire me to actually start. Her animal creations are the most adorable things I have ever seen, I desperately want a fox so I shall have to see if one appears in her Etsy shop next time she releases some of the animals to new homes :)
It is also Julie that put me onto my Swallow casein needles, she has quite a few pairs and they are fab, so i definitely recommend popping over to her blog for a read about her family and crafting and gardening, and if your a knitter you should definitely get her patterns!
I think that is all for the next couple of days. I am working on a sewing project too at the moment but I broke my sewing machine making it on saturday and still haven't gotten round to borrowing my mum's machine yet so more on that when it is complete!