Here is a progress update, I am almost done with the third pattern repeat, 2 more and then I start the decreasing, I think I can probably finish it tomorrow night and then that is one present down! Only a hat for my grandma (pattern undecided, suggestions would be wonderful) and my sisters scarf and mittens which i have been working on for AGES! Also today I have done some baking. I love baking, in particular I like to make this:
This is my Welly Fudge cake, I stole the recipe from my senior school cook years ago and it is still my fave comfort food, roast dinner followed by this lovely chocolatey saucey gooey gorgeous treat! I also decided to get a little festive, I made green cupcakes,
With red and green icing,
The icing was supposed to look like this:
But i broke my piping bag, so I may just have to pop to lakeland and get myself a new set tomorrow after work. If anyone is out there over the next few days, if I could have some suggestions for what to do with the skein of malabrigo worsted I got for my ex boyfriend that would be good, I don't want to knit it for him because it would take effort and he doesn't deserve it, but can't think of anything I could make for me from one skein. All suggestions very welcome. Just a happy little image to send you off with, these are yummy :)