It's a display at my local library where I am volunteering, this week is a special children's reading week aimed at encouraging families to get together to read books. We got lots of colouring sheets and a couple of books in an info pack and I turned it all into a great autumnal tree and a bunch of red and orange card leaves that the kids can write which books they have read and who with and then put up on our tree. It was great fun, I love crafty things and have always said if I ended up as a teacher I would only be able to do primary school as the others are too boring!
Anyways, as you can see there isn't a huge amount on it at the moment, but I am also hoping to pick a couple of the poems from one of the books we got with the pack and blow them up a bit to decorate the board too, and we are doing an extra special 'Mr. Big' area for the book with a poster and a giant sized copy. Should be great!!
I am going to try and keep the tree going by turning it into a winter tree with snowy branches once it has really gotten into the winter months, and hopefully get the kids to snowflakes at an activity day.
I wish some of the employers I am sending applications to could see this sort of thing, because as the librarian said today they would be stupid not to hire me (it is a shame my village library is too small to have any more staff too :( )
Today I have another autumn picture.
This is what I did today: