No pictures today, my camera is safely tucked away but I wanted to do a quick update before I fly off to Ireland tomorrow as I haven't posted for over a week, that is a long time for me, I have been rather busy though. I have been planning and packing for Dublin, the bag I slaved over is holding up well so far, and I have a nice little Berlitz guide to Dublin. I am getting really excited, but also incredibly nervous. I have never flown on my own before, and only once as an adult, and I am a bit funny about heights and confined spaces, so planes are not the best thing for me, and the whole getting there and not getting lost etc. is particularly daunting. I will be even worse tomorrow. However my trip will make it all worth it, not just for seeing the Irish Boyfriend, I am hoping to do some knit pro and yarn shopping, (I have a couple of self addressed envelopes to send any needle tips I buy back to myself), as well as seeing some sights. Other then packing and working I have done a bit of knitting and embroidering, a lovely lady on Ravelry sent me a huge amount of embroidery threads, which obviously required a special box to store them in :) I finished my second charity neck warmer, it is only basic rib, and have started on my third one, which is slightly more interesting with some checker-boarding with rib cuffs. I was originally using this as a test run for John's neckwarmer christmas present, but I think I am going to do something a little bit more complicated for his, to make it special, so I shall be diving into my stitch dictionary. Other then these I have mainly been doing some christmas knitting, which I can't show just yet for obvious reasons. I hope to either edit this with pictures or just do a post with lots of pictures from Dublin and pre-Dublin knitting when I get back, I shall have to see what takes my fancy. Have a nice weekend all :)